


Ideas we have used for adding variety and fun into parts of the award scheme tests

  • Citizenship/first Aid - spider & snake bite treatments. We made a page containing 8 pictures of snakes and another with the same of snakes, all of the type likely to be found in our local area, which were then laminated of course. Then a set of labels for each critter, as well as how dangerous/venomous each is along with the the correct treatment (all individually laminated). Each patrol was given a set (different coloured paper made keeping each set seperate much easier) and challenged with getting it all correct fastest. Used every term or two as an activity/game, they will not only be sure of the right treatment for a bite, but will also recognise many local spiders and snakes better than most people.
  • Emergencies - Recognition. In the form of the well-known North,south,east,west game, one end of the hall meant an emergency, and the other non-emergencies. Various events were called out in a random order. To add confusion/challenge, we also made one side the ice Pack side and the opposite one Compression Bandage treatment, and also threw in specific spider or snake bites into the random calls.
  • Citizenship - Values, Promise and Law. You could try a sinmilar thing as the game above using a list of behaviours, with the scouts having to decide whether that behaviour is "keeping their scout promise" / "living by the scout law" or not doing so. An alternate could be to proide a set of actions on paper, and have them discuss and identify which behaviours fit into which category.

© 2011 Ian Moggs - rights are given for copying and printing for personal use or use in scout or similar groups.

Last updated 29th October 2016.

Email me anytime - i2 @ robian .net (without the spaces).